
歌詞/CloseToYou;Whydobirdssuddenlyappear為什麼鳥兒總是突然出現;Everytimeyouarenear?就在你靠近之際?;Justlikeme,theylongtobe,Closetoyou.Whydobirdssuddenlyappear鳥兒們為何突然出現.Everytimeyouarenear每一次你靠近時.Justlikeme就像我一樣,Whydostarsfalldownfromthesky星星為何從天上墜落·Theylongtobeclosetoyou它們早就想接近你·Anddecidedtocreateadreamcometrue ...,木匠兄妹﹣靠近你([LYRICS/CC]THECARPENTER...

歌詞Close To You - 文字背後的故事

歌詞/Close To You ; Why do birds suddenly appear 為什麼鳥兒總是突然出現 ; Every time you are near? 就在你靠近之際? ; Just like me, they long to be

經典歌曲Close To You:Carpenters 木匠兄妹(歌詞+中文翻譯)

Close to you. Why do birds suddenly appear 鳥兒們為何突然出現. Everytime you are near 每一次你靠近時. Just like me 就像我一樣

The Carpenters – Close to you

Why do stars fall down from the sky 星星為何從天上墜落 · They long to be close to you 它們早就想接近你 · And decided to create a dream come true ...


木匠兄妹﹣靠近你([LYRICS/CC] THE CARPENTERS - CLOSE TO YOU [DianaLYJ Cover]) · 關於 · 服務總覽 · 精選頻道 · 影片分級.

【聽歌學英文】The Carpenters--Close to You 想待在你身邊

歌詞解析 · They long to be close to you 他們渴望接近你。 · walk by 走過 · On the day that you were born 在你出生的那天 · got together 聚集.

(They Long To Be) Close To You - Album Version-歌詞

Why do birds suddenly appear? Every time you are near. Just like me, they long to be. Close to you. Why do stars fall down from the sky?

(They Long To Be) Close To You - 1991 Remix-歌詞

Every time you are near? ... Every time you walk by? Just like me, they long to be. Close to you. On the day that you were born. The angels got together

Close to You 靠近你[ 木匠兄妹金曲] Carpenters 木匠兄妹樂團[ 中英 ...

Close to You 靠近你[ 木匠兄妹金曲] / Carpenters 木匠兄妹樂團[ 中英歌詞] · Comments126.

KTV版 Carpenters木匠兄妹Close To You靠近你Reneé ...

KTV版▴Carpenters木匠兄妹Close To You靠近你Reneé Dominique~中文英文字幕lyrics · Comments4.

The Carpenters(木匠兄妹)-Close To You(lyrics)

The Carpenters(木匠兄妹)-Close To You(lyrics) · Comments. thumbnail-image. Add a comment... 3:32 · Go to channel · Carpenters ...

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